Women’s Day Celebration feat. InsyncFitness @BOHOkoramanagala
Celebrating International Women’s Day has a distinctive meaning for different people around the globe. For some it would be commemorating radical social reforms like equality of rights or drawing attention to social issues faced by women, while for a fortunate bunch of us, born in families where being a girl meant more privileges and extra love and care, Women’s day simply stands for celebrating womanhood! Sometimes ‘extra care’ also meant ‘extra restrictions’, but heck! We can’t complain much, now can we?!
Friday, 8th March
So, 2019 got me one hell of a Women’s Day Celebration weekend! Emcee-ed a proper show literally after a decade! Felt awesome, to hold that mic again in front of a huge crowd and blabber my way to glory! (Will share videos soon!)
Right after the show, joined my girls for Women’s ‘Night’ Celebration @ Bling, Zuri, Bangalore, dancing my way to glory!!
Saturday, 9th March
I was sold when Shweta, a very good friend of mine who also happens to be a Zumba Instructor asked me if I wanted to tag along for Women’s Day Celebration that had belly dancing lessons and unlimited food on the table! She also said that there would be other fun stuff like stand up comedy & shopping, but as I said, dance & food, Aur kya chaahie zindagi mein! (What more do you need in life!)
I just looooove the idea of girlie get-togethers! There is something super liberating about it! On contrary to what people believe, girls are way more chilled than they are credited! So, I was going in with sole agenda of having fun, lots of it! That is when Shweta asked if I was up for ramp walk on that day….the ‘Yes Woman’ in me went with the only answer she knew and thought we’ll cross the bridge when we come to it!
With Ram at home babysitting my monsters, we reached this ultra chic place in Koramangala called BOHO. Reaching there, we were greeted by these amazing women organizers of event, Pooja Menon & Jyothika Dhwarakanth, the women behind InsyncFitness!
Pooja & Jyothika from InsyncFitness
We also met a bunch of kick-ass awesome women with killer energy, swag & moves! (Turns out, a lot of them were Zumba instructors! No wonder, right?!) With all these wonder women around, I felt right at home in a min!
With Srikrupa, Jennifer & Rajyalakshmi! (Bhawna, missed taking one with you!) Thanks a million for all the love, warmth and cheers, girls! Much love & stay gorgeous!
Once a latecomer always an latecomer! We missed our rehearsals for the ramp walk or stairs-walk and now, it was show time! If you’ve known me for a while, you’d know…that I walk like a man. As Ram puts it, “Bas ek sutte ki kami hai”! (Only cigarette is missing….naah….ciggy sounds too sophisticated….Beedi? Anyone knows english word for “beedi”?) Knowing that grace & poise are not my strong suits, I went ahead with what is! Kookiness! Went down super fast on the stairs, almost jumped the last and then waved and blew kisses to the audience! (I always wanted to do this! Blow kisses like a celeb and pretend everyone was a fan! Perks of partial anonymity!
Yup! That’s me at it! I wish I had at least one picture in the entire event where I am standing still and not making crazy faces!
Pssssst!! Guess who won “Miss Natural” title, Swedish Massage Voucher from Four Mountains Spa & a gift hamper from Naturals!!! Oh! How I enjoy the spotlight!
Receiving the love & goodies!
Naturals Salon’s New Product Range
It was time for a quick speech on Naturals Salon presenting its own range of products which we could buy right there or on amazon. Purchased a couple of products, a skin toner and face mist that were at a very pocket-friendly price.
Olive Chest Jewellery
Olivechest.com also had its designer jewellery for display & Sale! Pretty funky stuff, I say!
Stand-Up Comedy
Shrirupa Sengupta & Seema Rao were so amazingly unapologetic, unabashed, crazy & hilarious in their acts! The stand-up comedy session was way…way more than just goofy-slapstick humor! Some of the jokes were so intelligent that by the time we got them, it was too late to laugh or applaud! Congratulations girls, more power to you!
Belly Dancing
I know, it is hard to pick which actually was my favorite part of the event but learning belly dancing definitely makes it to the list!! Even as a girl, I went all squinting, looking at the way the girls from Sanaz Dance Studio were shaking their bellies! “How do you do that!!”, I think I even said it out loud a couple of times! For those who think belly dancing belongs to ‘sensuous dance form’ category, you should have seen those girls there, how gracefully they did it! Definitely learnt a few moves that I am gonna use on the dance floor next time!
Food & Dance
Okay! Back to basics! Absolutely enjoyed the spread and hogged on the hummus and pita bread and burnt the calories right there by jumping on the groovy tunes!
Insync Fitness
It was one hell of a women’s day celebration where we all of us just lived it up! Great ambiance, music, entertainment, shopping, food & company! Just perfect, right? Kudos to Pooja & Jyothika for making this happen and tons of good luck for Insync Fitness and all your ventures! Do check out insyncfitness.in to know the kind of amazing work these women are doing!
Summing it up!
However much I love it, I am not the mic grabbing types. I generally like to sit back, watch and enjoy but this time I really wanted to take the mic and talk! I could not find the right opportunity but to each and every single woman present there, I wanted to say this:
Currently, my Facebook is full of people who are doing crazy awesome stuff, men & women; many of them are big-shot RJs, one is a star food stylist cum Instagram influencer, other a stand up comedian, another award winning kids couture designer, another a beauty queen and stuff like that! If you know my story, you would know that I started my career ten years back along with a big bunch of amazingly talented people @ Big 92.7 FM and even otherwise was surrounded by extremely talented people. While I fell truly-madly-deeply in love and got married early, that bunch continued working.
When it came to updates on women in my friend-list kicking some ass, I felt a pinch somewhere. What the hell am I doing with my life? Like, I am literally cleaning (baby)sh*t! How come I don’t have what they do? But then, I realized that when I was enjoying the cuddles on my couch, they were probably slogging it out to be where they are. We are all fighting different battles.
Now, I make it a point to support every strong, independent and successful women in everything they do! Hon, it’s women who need to empower women coz men bloody can’t even find their own socks! (No offense! I think men are amazingly exotic creatures that God created…but let’s save that saga for another day..)
So, I go ahead and hit that ‘Like’ button, congratulate them and chant in my head….
Apna time aaega!
(Our time will come! Damn! Translating it kills the very essence of the line!
Aasha Amar Hain! Nai?
(There is always hope, right?)
Happy Women’s Day, folks!
P.S.: Do you see a pattern here? First “Happy new year!”, then “Valentine’s Day!” and now “Women’s Day!” Looks like I bloody blog literally on occasions! (Note to self: Sleep less, blog more!)
March 16, 2019 @ 6:04 am
As i have always loved your every piece, this one is no different!! And m still rolling and laughing on ‘Hon, it’s women who need to empower women coz men bloody can’t even find their own socks! (No offense! I think men are amazingly exotic creatures that God created…but let’s save that saga for another day..)..lol.. so true!! Keep the spirit up for all of us.. and keep those cheering and charm coming .. May you win many more rewards, prizes and awards!! 🙂
April 8, 2019 @ 3:36 pm
Thanks a million for all the love, appreciation and wishes, Priyanka!😘 You have no clue what they mean to me!☺️
March 18, 2019 @ 3:55 am
Reading your blog is as energising as talking to you… it is fresh and full of love for life. Reflects your beautiful personality!
April 8, 2019 @ 3:20 pm
Absolutely thrilled and flattered by your comment, Avani!:D Thank you so much, girl! 😘 Love Much! ❤️