The Grasshopper Experience & Superpowers!
Sometimes you wish having kids would come with a statutory warning!
“Henceforth, your life will never be your own! It is all going to be about THEM and only THEM! Whatever you do will be in THEIR best interest, if not they will make sure you do it in THEIR best interest! All your birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions will always be at a constant risk of being sabotaged! THEY will always have a right to throw a tantrum at any point of time THEY please and you cannot do SHIT about it! So suck it up and be a grown up!”
Okay, thoda zyada hogaya! But when they’re kids they throw tantrums because they’re hungry, gassy, poopy! And as they grow up, the kind of tantrums they throw for the kind of reasons…man!! It is not about putting up with a silly tantrum anymore but an irksome feeling…why can’t things be about me for once!?
You already know that I make a big deal about my birthdays and my anniversaries…ehem ‘our’ anniversaries! And birthday 2021 was very different than Birthday 2019 & 2020! You’ve heard me cribbing in my Valentine’s Day, Anniversary & Surprise gifts post about how Ram has suddenly become incapable of making my special day special!
But in 2021, Ram actually tried to pull it off and umm…our kids contributed and crashed it…continuing the legacy of their father of being proud party poopers!
Where is the ‘Surprise’ in the Gift?!
You know that I’ve taken charge of making my own birthdays happy, right?! So, every year I buy my own gifts for birthdays and anniversaries! This year too I had already ordered something I liked from Caratlane and was excited to wear it! The gift was inspired by Billie from Netflix’s Sex/life! It was such a turn off when my mum wondered aloud, “Kem lidhu? Aa toh dekhatu pan nathi!” (Kyun Liya? Yeh toh dikhta bhi nahi hai!) Infact, I’m always happy buying my own gifts till it’s actually my birthday! That very day it hits me…what’s the bloody point if you have to order your birthday gifts! How sad is that! Where is the surprise in the gift?!
While I do understand that it is a major pain for Ram, pay for the gift that I buy for myself and then listen to me crib about how he never does anything ‘special’ to make it ‘special’! But a girl feels what she feels and gotta do what she’s gotta do!
As Ram puts it….“Khauf hai tu aur tera birthday!”
The Grasshopper Experience
So when you google ‘Most romantic restaurants in Bangalore’, The Grasshopper makes it to the list! Being one of the places you get a set 5/7 course meal, it has number of tables that you can count on your fingers (only one hand to be precise). You need a booking well in advance to get a table! It looks like an exclusive experience suitable for a special occasion! Once bitten twice shy, Ram did not want to take a risk by doing something small this year, his peace of mind probably was worth more than the bomb of a bill that he knew he’d pay!
So the table was booked and it was supposed to be a surprise! But by the time it was evening, the bugger couldn’t wait and blurted it out! We were going to ‘Grasshopper’! While I was excited, I kept asking him about how much it was gonna cost! They generally tell you in advance, once you pick the courses from the options they give! No one wants a scene where color from peoples faces drain out looking at the bill after having a hearty meal, that too on a special occasion!
God’s Plan
It’s hilarious when even God wants to do ‘Teri keh ke loonga’ with you! Due to night curfew in Bangalore, Grasshopper folks informed us that they will shut off by 10, so we had to reach early! As usual, we got a ‘little’ late because I wanted to look pretty! I spent that extra bit of time for the ‘no make-up make-up look’! (In my defense, I started a bit late coz of the birthday phone calls! A girlz gotta enjoy all the attention she’s getting, right?!
And then God intervened! IT RAINED! So there was mighty traffic jam adding to the might of already mighty Bangalore traffic and the place too was a bit far away because we stay far away from the city!
We finally made it and had to literally run to the restaurant before my ‘no make-up make-up look’ painted me into a monster that I really am, within!
(Kidding! I’m an angel inside out!
God! The place was quaint and beautiful! Candles, warm lights, flowers and just two other couples occupying tables a little far from us! Before even I could react, I heard two reactions…extremely contrasting ones! Funnily, both equally embarrassing! While Riddh went, “How fancy is this place!” Dhruvi sulked, “We should have gone to ‘Via Milano’!”
Oi! My day? My surprise? My reaction? But a little voice in my head said…”Grow up b*tch!”
Riddh thought the place was fancy coz he heard me asking Ram how much he spent on it the entire day and saying we’re not going if it is way too much! At this age he probably thinks expensive=fancy=good and doesn’t understand the concept of ‘value for money’! He probably gets it from his father you know…had the little bugger been a ‘poora’ gujju…it would have been an inbuilt feature!
And Dhruvi was on her own trip…there are no comfortable couches here, I don’t like this place! (I kinda agreed with that…comfortable couches mean that the kids go off to sleep after eating and Ram and I finally have a bit of quiet time for us to bullshit !
Are you wearing ‘that’ for my birthday dinner?
Between all this mumbo jumbo in my head, the waiter….nah!! It would be so wrong to call him a waiter! Attendant? Yeah! That sounds more like it! So the attendant came and presented food and drink options. Every time he came, he explained about the course, the dish, the ingredients and a lot of other things!
The ‘attendant’ apparently was better dressed than Ram, who was wearing a casual tee! The one you wear when you go out for a casual chai! Also, other men on other tables were wearing blazers! But with years of experience under my belt of saying “Are you wearing ‘that’ to dinner tonight?” while going out, is just a mood killer! So, we (I & me) decided to pick a better time to pick that fight!
The Courses!
Towards the end, the Chef herself came and greeted us! She asked us about how we liked the food and before we even say anything….Riddh jumped, “The food was AWESOME! I felt like I was being served in a Michelin Start restaurant by Gordon Ramsay himself!” God! How does the little bugger even know all this! Michelin star? Gordon Ramsay? Damn! Then I started to play it cool coz…she shouldn’t get a feeling like this was our first time in at fancy restaurant! (Looking at the bill…it sure was!
Finally, it was the time for the cake, which was goooooood!!! I just cut it, and took a tiny piece to put it in Riddh’s mouth and even before I take a second one….Dhruvi just put the entire piece in hers! Abhi aaya abhi choo?
The Rant!
Well, after we were done with the food, the bill came and trust me, 5k more and I could have gotten another invisible diamond neckpiece from Caratlane! (Well, food was expensive and diamond chain not so much!
The drive back home was full of cuss words! A rant where my salad-hating husband went ballistic coz “Kitna ghaas-phoos khila dia!” (He is a pakka South Indian, give him curd-rice-pickle and he’s the happiest man! But offer him anything remotely healthy, he’ll throw a tantrum just like his kids!) He kept saying that he’s gonna recommend the experience to everyone coz why should only he have all the fun!
Honestly, the place was gorgeous & serene. If it were just Ram & I, it would have been wonderful to just laze around, eat and talk! (Plus, the bill would have been lighter!) But do I love my little party poopers!
(I was trying to be happy and make peace with it. And then birthday 2022 happened!)
Birthday 2022
Taking a hint from Birthday 2021, I decided to ‘grow up’! I thought let’s not make a big deal and be all chill! Let’s just go for a quiet family dinner! (After the pre-birthday bash, of course!) I did not even buy a gift for myself! (Except for a few dresses here and there…which is HUGE, OKAY?) And then God AGAIN started humming…‘Teri Kehke Loonga!!’
Riddh’s trek got scheduled on 6th August and Alas! My sad puppy faces did not work on him! After dropping him to school, we went to salsa class, along with Dhruvi coz she had no where to go! (And a surprised salsa-mate commented, “You popped a child?”
And as always, Ram killed my mojo casually with, “Oh! This is the second one she popped!”
) Now, Ram thinks it’s stupid/kiddish to distribute chocolates in the class so I did not even do that! (Later, I learnt they have a birthday custom! The birthday girl stands in the center dancing with a partner while rest of the guys dance around them! If it’s a birthday boy, then all the girls would swap and dance around him!)
Then we went for a coffee, waiting for Riddh to be back from the trek! We waited forever and then when we picked him up, it was too late to go for dinner! We decided to go some other time and went home & crashed! Just like that, God gave me what I wanted! A F*CKING NORML DAY! Plus, the ‘other time’ never happened coz ‘Shaadi ke gaane Shaadi me hi gaaye jaate hai!’ (Hmm, sounds much better in Gujarati!
Mannnn! How BORING and over-rated is growing up??? Hence, I & myself decided that WE are NOT growing up EVER!
It felt soooooooo terribly dull to have a normal day for a birthday! So WE are gonna make a BIG DEAL about our birthday, COME WHAT MAY!
But then Birthday 2022 was made special. I got my favorite gift of all time, something I love & cherish; Words! (And once again, if you think the bugger writes better than me then, F*CK YOU!
I wish I could redo our first kiss and not get slapped this time.
I wish I could spend a few more life times with her – again.
Winding up!
Phew! The bugger does write well, nai? 🙂 So mighty glad to have so much love in life; family, friends, kids & Ram! 🙂 I got such beautiful lingering happy feeling! BUT since my birthday is just around the corner, I’ve this very strong feeling! The feeling is ‘DISAPPOINTMENT’! The bugger did not let me book a weekend at Karma Nandi Hills even when it was available! And says he has something planned! Owing to my past experiences and knowing him, my kids and even GOD… you cannot blame me for feeling the feeling! Let’s see how BD 2023 goes!
P.S.: I remembered our dating days when Ram used to sing ‘It’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away’ from Boyzone for me all the time! I just realized THE BUGGER WASN’T KIDDING! (Also, putting in all the pretty pictures from La Vallee Village, Paris coz birthday pictures weren’t all pretty!
August 24, 2023 @ 1:30 pm
Your feelings are like a catchy tune on a loop- can’t help but hum along … 😀💕
August 24, 2023 @ 1:49 pm
Hahaha Thank you so much Rashmi!!❤️😁 Thrilled to hear that!!😘🤗😊
August 25, 2023 @ 7:17 am
I’m sure you already know the most amusing and amazing part of the blog! I’m blown away by the “words” 💓
And to answer your question about being narcissistic on b’day, I’m totally game and I celebrate whole bday week of mine 😁 and m gonna do the same for my baby girl ! Keep writing and keep spreading joy as u always do 💕
August 26, 2023 @ 9:08 am
Hahaha can’t blame you for that, Priyanka!!❤️ I was quite blown away myself!😊 (I secretly wondered if it’s me he is talking about!🙈😂)
YASSSS!!💃💃💃 You and the little rockstar, both deserve all the crazy awesome things one can imagine to do on a birthday!! Naah! Birthday WEEK😈🤟 Loads of love to you two!❤️ (And truck loads of luck to poor papa who is left with a herculean task of pleasing you two for life!🤣)
December 10, 2023 @ 6:37 am
Hey Chandani and Ram, I got to read the Grasshopper blog post today and really enjoyed reading it from start to end. You both are great writers.
In response to the question, I think its great to be a bit narcissisitic about celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in a special way, as it gaurantees at least some creative brain tease and charm each year in our lives.
Wishing to read your other blogposts soon 🙂
One of your Salsa mate
December 21, 2023 @ 8:01 am
Hey Naman!! Thrilled to see you in my Den! 😀 I’m so glad that you enjoyed reading the Grasshopper and superpowers! Thanks a million for the kind words!! (I LOVE compliments! 😀 ) And I’m so glad that I’m not the only one holding on to the celebratory side of the special days when the world expects us to just calm the F down! 😀 Love how you put it, “Creative Brain Tease”! 😀 Thanks a million once again for dropping by and please keep doing that, Naman! (Also, I MISS SALSA!!!! :(( )